AWS SysOps - Fri, Jun 11, 2021
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Status Codes HTTP
| 1xx | Info | | 2xx | success | | 3xx | Redirection| | 4xx | client error| | 5xx | server error |
AWS Personal Health Dashboard
- Provides alerts and remediation guidance when AWS is experiencing events that may impact you.
Service Health Dashboard
- Monitors the entire health of the services provided by AWS in a global scale
Detailed vs Basic monitoring
- 1min vs 5min
- Aggregate metrics over mulitple accounts and regions also in Detailed
Cognito can integrate with IAM roles to provide temp access to AWS constructs
- Lambda can be used to send notifications to a Slack channel
Instance failures: Pending -> terminated
- You’ve reached your EBS volume limit
- An EBS snapshot is corrupt
- The root EBS volume is encrypted and you do not have permissions to access the KMS key for decryption
- The instance store-backed AMI that you used to launch the instance is missing a required part
Amazon RDS Proxy
A fully managed, highly available database proxy for Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) that makes applications more scalable, more resilient to database failures, and more secure.
- 5 ip’s are reserverd for AWS
- 0 - network
- +1 VPC router
- +2 DNS
- +3 Future use
- 255 (last) Broadcast not supported so reserved
- 4091 IP Addresses for the CIDR block
- 59 IP Addresses for the CIDR block
- 27 IP Addresses for the CIDR block
- 11 IP Addresses for the CIDR block
These are the automation capabilities of Systems Manager that you can perform on EC2 instances:
– Build automations to configure and manage instances and AWS resources – Create custom runbooks or use pre-defined runbooks maintained by AWS – Receive notifications about Automation tasks and runbooks by using Amazon EventBridge – Monitor Automation progress and details by using the AWS Systems Manager console
DiskReadOps is the metric that counts the completed read operations from all instance store volumes available to the instance in a specified period of time. To calculate the average I/O operations per second (IOPS) for the period, divide the total operations in the period by the number of seconds in that period.
- you will not have that for an EBS backed EC2 instance so that metric will always be 0
AWS CloudFormation StackSets
- Extends the functionality of stacks by enabling you to create, update, or delete stacks across multiple accounts and regions with a single operation. Using an administrator account, you define and manage an AWS CloudFormation template, and use the template as the basis for provisioning stacks into selected target accounts across specified regions.
AWS OpsWorks
A configuration management service that provides managed instances of Chef and Puppet. Chef and Puppet are automation platforms that allow you to use code to automate the configurations of your servers. OpsWorks lets you use Chef and Puppet to automate how servers are configured, deployed, and managed across your Amazon EC2 instances or on-premises compute environments.
Cost Explorer
- A tool that enables you to view and analyze your costs and usage. You can explore your usage and costs using the main graph, the Cost Explorer cost and usage reports, or the Cost Explorer RI reports. You can view data for up to the last 13 months, forecast how much you’re likely to spend for the next three months, and get recommendations for what Reserved Instances to purchase. You can use Cost Explorer to identify areas that need further inquiry and see trends that you can use to understand your costs.
Helps you diagnose and troubleshoot problems on Amazon EC2 Linux and Windows Server instances. You can run the tool manually, as described in Using EC2Rescue for Linux Server and Using EC2Rescue for Windows Server. Or, you can run the tool automatically by using Systems Manager Automation and the AWSSupport-ExecuteEC2Rescue document. The AWSSupport-ExecuteEC2Rescue document is designed to perform a combination of Systems Manager actions, AWS CloudFormation actions, and Lambda functions that automate the steps normally required to use EC2Rescue.
Mappings The optional Mappings section matches a key to a corresponding set of named values.
Resources this section is used to define the actual creation of resources.
Conditions this section is used to include statements that define when a resource is created or when a property is defined.
Outputs this section is used to declare output values that you can import into other stacks.
DeletionPolicy Options: – Delete: The AWS CloudFormation service deletes the resource and all its content if applicable during stack deletion. You can add this deletion policy to any resource type – Retain: The AWS CloudFormation service keeps the resource without deleting the resource or its contents when its stack is deleted – Snapshot: The AWS CloudFormation service creates a snapshot for the resource before deleting it
Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager (DLM)
- Provides a simple, automated way to back up data stored on Amazon EBS volumes. You can define backup and retention schedules for EBS snapshots by creating lifecycle policies based on tags. With this feature, you no longer have to rely on custom scripts to create and manage your backups.
AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory, also known as AWS Managed Microsoft Active Directory (AD)
- Enables your directory-aware workloads and AWS resources to use managed Active Directory (AD) in AWS. AWS Managed Microsoft AD is built on actual Microsoft AD and does not require you to synchronize or replicate data from your existing Active Directory to the cloud
Amazon CloudWatch alarm actions
- You can create alarms that automatically stop, terminate, reboot, or recover your instances. You can use the stop or terminate actions to help you save money when you no longer need an instance to be running. You can use the reboot and recover actions to automatically reboot those instances or recover them onto new hardware if a system impairment occurs.
Before you delete a VPC
- You must terminate all instances running in the VPC, delete all security groups associated with the VPC (except the default one), delete all route tables associated with the VPC (except the default one)
Auto scaling
- With step scaling policies, you can specify the number of seconds that it takes for a newly launched instance to warm up. Until its specified warm-up time has expired, an instance is not counted toward the aggregated metrics of the Auto Scaling group.
- While scaling out, AWS also does not consider instances that are warming up as part of the current capacity of the group.
AWS Systems Manager Automate
- Systems Manager Automation is an AWS-hosted service that simplifies common instance and system maintenance and deployment tasks. Automation offers one-click automations for simplifying complex tasks such as creating golden Amazon Machines Images (AMIs), and recovering unreachable EC2 instances.AWS Systems Manager Automate is the correct answer. Systems Manager Automation is an AWS-hosted service that simplifies common instance and system maintenance and deployment tasks. Automation offers one-click automations for simplifying complex tasks such as creating golden Amazon Machines Images (AMIs), and recovering unreachable EC2 instances.
Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS)
- A highly scalable, high-performance container orchestration service that supports Docker containers and allows you to easily run and scale containerized applications on AWS. Amazon ECS eliminates the need for you to install and operate your own container orchestration software, manage and scale a cluster of virtual machines, or schedule containers on those virtual machines.
- Log information
- Connection log: logs authentication attempts, and connections and disconnections.
- User log: logs information about changes to database user definitions.
- User activity log: logs each query before it is run on the database.
- Snapshots
- You can configure Amazon Redshift to automatically copy snapshots (automated or manual) for a cluster to another region.
AWS Limit Monitor
- You can receive email notifications or notifications can be sent to your existing Slack channel, enabling you to request limit increases or shut down resources before the limit is reached.
- A deployment service that automates application deployments to Amazon EC2 instances, on-premises instances, or serverless Lambda functions. It allows you to rapidly release new features, update Lambda function versions, avoid downtime during application deployment, and handle the complexity of updating your applications, without many of the risks associated with error-prone manual deployments.
MFA (multi-factor authentication) Delete
- Requires additional authentication for either of the following operations:
- Change the versioning state of your bucket
- Permanently delete an object version